.1 Ever seen a stallion in his full glory? Preened and polished to perfection, prancing, proudly up the high street? Come and watch the spectacle on Barley Saturday in Cardigan. Here just feet from your standing position not one, not two but maybe a hundred proud stallions will form a procession high stepping with his master or mistress for you to admire. (best position under the town clock.
2 Be there to cheer on – I predict- the lone stallion Donkey whose delighted walk effortlessly morphs into a gallop as it draws the loudest cheers of the day from the jubilant spectators, whose affection for this beast who has obviously won(again) on character not beauty alone.
3 Admire the polished brass vying for attention with the glistening steeds and the fancy headgear of the carriage drivers and their passengers.
4 Vintage tractor enthusiasts – not my cup of tea but a popular attraction here in West of West Wales. It certainly is a treat to see thee lock of glee on the faces of the families bundled with their dogs in the trailers drawn by a numberless variety of vintage farm vehicles.
Don’t forget your dog, I will definitely be there with Steeple View’s favourite pet mutt – not yet one years old I will have the pleasure of him experiencing the delights of Barley Saturday for the first time. Where better for a dog than the hospitable and dog loving town of Cardigan with its Castle Café which offers a free sausage to those dogs who bring their owners.
5 Will Mr Radley the renowned baker of Queen’s Bakery Cardigan once again lead the parade of stallions, clean of flour, smart in his black coat and tails? Surely he will, because this is Barley Saturday celebrating the sowing of the last barley field of the season, and Mr Radley’s fresh baked breads delights all who stay and sample the local fare offered at Steeple View bed and breakfast and retreat in nearby Newport (www.steepleviewpembrokshire.co.uk)